Monday, November 28, 2016


We just got home from a very fun filled week. We road tripped to Oregon/Washington for Thanksgiving, to see my family, go to the beach house, and attend Marci's wedding. I am always so filled with with love and gratitude after weeks like this one. Here's why...

We drove 13 hours in the car both ways with four adults and a baby. Vienna was a CHAMP and slept at least half of the drive. We didn't have any car trouble or accidents. We didn't get any tickets. The weather cooperated. It was excellent.

We got to see my family and it was so lovely. I know I say this a lot, but the older I get the more I realize how dang lucky I am to have been born into my family. There weren't enough beds, in the new house my parents moved into, with all of us home so my parents literally gave us their bed and master suite for the weekend. How lucky are we?? Very. We brought our camera but I ALWAYS forget to take pictures. It's so, so fun to see my parents be grandparents, and my siblings and their spouses be aunts & uncles. Everyone ADORES V and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

We went to the beach house just outside of Lincoln City, Oregon. It's always a relaxing time at the coast. I've always had an appreciation for water. I could watch the waves of the ocean all day long. It's fun to watch V experience the things we love. 

Finally, we got to attend Marci's - one of my very oldest and dearest friends- wedding. I was in tears within seconds of seeing her and witnessing the sealing. Marci and I have known each other since we were little girls and we were literally inseparable all through high school and college. Almost every good memory in those years has her in it. She is one of the most kind and caring people I know. I was and am still so lucky have her in my life. It made me so very happy to see her find someone that she can spend forever with. 

Very happy and blessed these days.

Side note: It snowed when we got home. Vienna's first snow! 

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Happy Birthday, Ma

I have the greatest mom. I know everyone says that but seriously... she is the BEST. I deeply feel for people who have lost their mothers, or didn't grow up with one as dedicated as mine. The older I get the more and more I appreciate her, but this year is different. This year I am a mother myself. 

The second Vienna needs something, I drop whatever it was that I was doing and put her needs before my own - cleaning, food, sleep, you name it. I don't think I fully understood how much my life was going to change before V got here. People try to tell you but it just doesn't click until they get here. My whole world revolves around her now. My schedule changes everyday to meet her needs. As it should. I often wonder if I am measuring up to this great responsibility that has been placed on my shoulders. Sometimes I cringe a little when I think how the Lord trusts us, as imperfect beings, to care for these helpless precious babies... but then I think of my mother.

My mom did this four different times with my family. At one point she had four kids, ages six and under. Now that I'm a grown adult, it's becoming more clear what my mom sacrificed for us. I appreciate, now more than ever, everything she has done for me. I don't know how much I've actually expressed it though. I figure there is no better day than today.

So, thank you Mom.

Thank you for life, literally (I know how much of a doozy that one is... haha.) Thank you for putting up with me as a toddler. Thank you for choosing to make me a priority. Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for teaching me the value of work and education. Thank you for raising me to respect others. Thank you for teaching me about the love of my Savior. Thank you for making countless meals for me. Thank you for making me clean my room. Thank you for encouraging me in sports and activities. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for disciplining me. Thank you for making our house a home. Thank you for doing your part in providing for our family, and marrying a man who did the same. Thank you for teaching me how to be strong. Thank you for being selfless. Thank you for being an example of a good citizen. Thank you for helping me figure out how to raise a daughter. Thank you for being my mother. 

Today is a celebration of you and you deserve it. I am beyond grateful to have you as my Mom. I don't tell you that enough. I love you.

Happy Birthday :)

(I made the font extra big for you... hehe)

Friday, November 4, 2016

3 Months

3 Months?? I can't believe it.... You are growing so quickly. You never want to sit still! (As you can see from the pictures.) You are becoming quite the social butterfly. You love to smile your little crooked smile, and talk to people. Minus the last two nights... you are still sleeping through the night! You are wearing 0-3 month clothes and newborn diapers, but probably not for long. Lately you have been giving me the biggest smile when I get you in the morning. Your legs are getting stronger and you're standing like a champ - with help from mom and dad of course. You are rubbing out that thick, dark hair on the back of your head. I know it will grow back but I want it to stay! You don't love your car seat so much these days. You do love when we sing and dance for you. It's hilarious and adorable. You are developing this bright, fun personality and we can't get enough.

I'm feeling comfortable about taking you almost anywhere now. I've been taking you running with me outside. I'll miss that now that the weather is getting colder. I'm still so hungry... nursing is the real deal. I'm still carrying around a few extra pounds but I'm okay with it because, well... winter. I'm alarmed at the amount of hair I lose in the shower these days! With all of the craziness in this world, I am making a conscious effort to focus on the good. I am genuinely so completely happy with my life and little family.


One more! From Halloween... that SMILE!