Monday, January 9, 2023

Cosette Turns 4


Cos, Cosie, Cosie Girl, Cosette - Oh how we love you and your huge personality! You are our little sour patch kid. You are bold, brave, and have so many opinions. You make us laugh everyday with hilarious phrases. You learn so quickly and love to try things on your own. You are in pre-school still and love going to play with your friends there. You still love dinosaurs and gymnastics. You are so smart and coordinated. Your favorite food is grapefruit. We love you so much sweet girl!

Primrose - 6 Months

 Happy half birthday, Primmy! 6 months is such a fun age. You are smiling, laughing, playing, rolling, but not yet crawling. You are eating solids now! You like bananas the best. Not a fan of carrots. We were looking back at picture of Vienna and Cosette at this age and you look a lot like Vienna. Your eyes are still blue - hoping they stay that way! You are so happy in the morning time. You shake your arms and legs so hard when you see us. You are still waking up once or twice a night. Still mostly nursing with the occasional bottle here and there. We love you so much sweet Prim!