Monday, December 30, 2019

Merry Christmas 2019

Because I can't ever get it together and send out Christmas cards....

Cosette turns ONE

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Cosette! We can't believe you are officially ONE! Where did our little baby go? You have grown up right before our eyes. Oh, how we all adore you though! We've been busy traveling to Arizona for Christmas with the Russell side, and then back home to Utah to celebrate with the Cornilles side. We got to celebrate your birthday twice. You enjoyed your cake both times ha. You are walking everywhere and almost never sit still. You are wearing size 3 diapers and size 12 month clothes. You are saying more and more words - Dada, Mama, Papa, Nana (Vienna), bye bye, uh-oh, and ball. You understand a lot more than you can say though. You point now, which is convenient for everyone. You are officially only nursing morning and night (and middle of the night.. booo). We're working on this weaning thing because Mama is DONE. You like to laugh especially when others do. You get very excited when someone you know walks into a room. You are still our fantastic eater, with your favorite food being peas. Your favorite toys are balls and headbands. You are the best little addition to our family and we're so glad you're ours. 

and she's done.. haha

Friday, November 29, 2019

11 Months

11 months! Wow, one more month and you will be ONE! You are in size 9-12 month clothes, and size 2 diapers. These first 11 months have been such a joy. You are our content, good natured girl. You give the sweetest hugs. You often entertain yourself with books, balls, blocks, and basically anything you can get your hands on. You wave bye to Dad everyday when we leaves for work. You are standing independently, and you took your first steps last week! You prefer to crawl still, but you'll take a couple steps every once in a while.  You babble all the time. You are still saying "Dada" and "Mama." You learned to point recently, and it's so cute. You love to dance when music comes on. You bolt to any stairs you can see or reach. Your hair is still blonde, obviously, and we just can't believe it. We hope it stays forever. Your eyes are turning darker - almost a dark hazel. They will probably be brown? We'll see! You bring such a light to our lives and we love you as much as ever. 

Monday, October 28, 2019

Family Photos 2019

Olivia Russell Photography working her magic! 

I love these people with all my heart. 

10 Months

You are growing up so fast! You are just under 18 lbs. You are wearing size 9-12 month clothes and size 2 diapers. You still have 4 teeth - 2 on top and 2 on bottom - with more coming soon. Your personality is coming out more and more. You are still a Mama's girl, but you're starting to reaaaaaally love Dad. You flap your arms with joy, and say "Dada!", when he comes home at the end of the day. Physically you've had tough month! You battled a double ear infection and bronchiolitis. I didn't even realize it either, because you're such a chill kid! Poor thing. You are getting more bumps and bruises because you're exploring the world like crazy. You pull up on everything. You are eating like a champ still, and nursing a few times a day. You're still waking up (usually) once a night. I think we'll get rid of that once you stop nursing... fingers crossed HA. You love to play with balls, play peek-a-boo, and patty cake. You love to giggle and laugh all the time. You are saying "Dada", "Mama", and "Ball." You bring so much joy into our lives, and we love you so very much!

^ Over it... hahaha