You are growing up so fast! You are just under 18 lbs. You are wearing size 9-12 month clothes and size 2 diapers. You still have 4 teeth - 2 on top and 2 on bottom - with more coming soon. Your personality is coming out more and more. You are still a Mama's girl, but you're starting to reaaaaaally love Dad. You flap your arms with joy, and say "Dada!", when he comes home at the end of the day. Physically you've had tough month! You battled a double ear infection and bronchiolitis. I didn't even realize it either, because you're such a chill kid! Poor thing. You are getting more bumps and bruises because you're exploring the world like crazy. You pull up on everything. You are eating like a champ still, and nursing a few times a day. You're still waking up (usually) once a night. I think we'll get rid of that once you stop nursing... fingers crossed HA. You love to play with balls, play peek-a-boo, and patty cake. You love to giggle and laugh all the time. You are saying "Dada", "Mama", and "Ball." You bring so much joy into our lives, and we love you so very much!

^ Over it... hahaha
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