Friday, June 28, 2019

6 Months

Happy 1/2 Birthday, sweet Cos! You are a happy, bright thing lately. We have your doctor check up next week so we'll see how you're growing. By my best guestimate, you are much bigger than V was at this age.  You are in size 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. You love to play with your feet. Dancing is the sure way to get you to smile and laugh. You still love Vienna probably more than anyone. You are very interested in the world around you. You love to grab anything you can get your hands on. You are still sleeping pretty poorly. You are eating solids and getting the hang of it real quick. Your favorite foods are watermelon and yogurt. I tried to take you swimming and you weren't a fan. I think the water was a little cold for your liking. You aren't sitting by yourself yet, but you're pretty close. You are rolling both ways and prefer to sleep on your stomach. You love to scream and use your voice, just for fun. You are such a light in our family and we LOVE you!

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