Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Primrose - 2 Months

 You are 2 months old! You are in size 0-3 and 3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. You are smiling more frequently now. Your eyes are still blue and your hair seems to be getting lighter - almost a strawberry blonde. You are sleeping a 6-7 hour stretch at night - WAHOO! I hope it never changes. You are still mostly nursing with a bottle of formula every once in a while. You started to fight the bottle and I was not having that haha. We did that with Cosette and it was rough being the only one able to feed her. You are still sleeping in our room in a bassinet, but I think I'm ready to put you in your room for that 7 hour stretch at night. Some of your nick names we call you the most are Prim & Primmy. You are generally just a great baby. You've started playing under your little baby jungle gym. The girls love to hold you whenever they get the chance. Everyone in our family loves you so much!

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