Monday, October 30, 2017
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Thursday, October 5, 2017
She's Growing Up
I did a little photo shoot of V Girl today, and I found some oldies on the camera I never posted.
You're welcome.
(11 months)
(11 months)
August 4th: 1st Birthday!
(14 months)
Friday, September 15, 2017
August: Service
I'm always a little late in posting these, but I still want to make sure that I do!
In case you missed it, I made a New Year's resolution to pick one gospel topic each month and study it in depth. So far...
A few things stood out to me this last month.
1) I am doing better at service than I thought.
- I am a wife.
- I am a mother.
- I serve as a counselor in the primary at church.
- I serve as a patron in the temple.
All of these things require sacrifice. They require my time and my talents on a daily basis. I honestly used to think I was TERRIBLE at doing service, but I'm actually doing okay, and you probably are too!
**SHOVEL** Keep doing what I'm doing.
**SHOVEL** Keep doing what I'm doing.
2) Service takes us down the better path to a happier life.
"A selfish person is more interested in pleasing man --especially himself-- than in pleasing God. He looks only to his own needs and desires. He walks 'in his own way and after his own god, whose image is in the likeness of the world' (D&C 1:16) and from the mortal friendship and assistance we all need in these tumultuous times. In contrast, if we love and serve one another as the Savior taught, we remain connected to our covenants and to our associates."
-Dallin H. Oaks
Unselfish Service, April 2009
We all want and need connection. What better way to get that than to serve? We are fulfilling our covenants, serving God, bettering ourselves, AND helping others.
3) Some final/favorite scriptures.
D&C 4:7- "Ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you."
Service is sometimes hard. People don't always ask for help. We might feel like we are imposing. We may feel embarrassed. We may even just be lazy!
Excuses, right? Ask for help, then do the work.
Judges 6:14- And the Lord looked upon him, and said, Go in this thy might... have not I sent thee?
That last part- "have not I sent thee?" When we are on the Lord's errand we will always have his help.
D&C 42:29- If thou lovest me thou shalt serve me and keep all my commandments.
If we truly love Him, we should serve him (and of course, serve others - Mosiah 2:17).
"A selfish person is more interested in pleasing man --especially himself-- than in pleasing God. He looks only to his own needs and desires. He walks 'in his own way and after his own god, whose image is in the likeness of the world' (D&C 1:16) and from the mortal friendship and assistance we all need in these tumultuous times. In contrast, if we love and serve one another as the Savior taught, we remain connected to our covenants and to our associates."
-Dallin H. Oaks
Unselfish Service, April 2009
We all want and need connection. What better way to get that than to serve? We are fulfilling our covenants, serving God, bettering ourselves, AND helping others.
3) Some final/favorite scriptures.
D&C 4:7- "Ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you."
Service is sometimes hard. People don't always ask for help. We might feel like we are imposing. We may feel embarrassed. We may even just be lazy!
Excuses, right? Ask for help, then do the work.
Judges 6:14- And the Lord looked upon him, and said, Go in this thy might... have not I sent thee?
That last part- "have not I sent thee?" When we are on the Lord's errand we will always have his help.
D&C 42:29- If thou lovest me thou shalt serve me and keep all my commandments.
If we truly love Him, we should serve him (and of course, serve others - Mosiah 2:17).
Friday, August 4, 2017
12 months
V: YOU ARE ONE!! We can't believe it... You took your first steps this week! Yayyyy! Your favorite foods are bananas, hummus, watermelon & cheese. You point at everything and say "Dad." You like to mimic things we say. You LOVE to dance. You are headstrong and stubborn at times. You love to hold our hands and walk around the house. You also love to climb on anything you can reach. Your top two teeth are coming in, which means you're a little more grumpy and you sleep a TON. We have your one year check up next week, but our home scale says you weigh 17 lbs on the dot, fully clothed. You are still just a tiny thing. You hate sitting still and love to explore everywhere we go. You love the bath, pool, and splash pad... our little water baby! We love you so very much!!
Me: I am training for a half marathon! It takes a lot of time and energy. Sometime I regret signing up but I know I will be happy when I finish. I think it would be fun to do some type of race after each child I have. So... 10 races! JOKING. We know we want more kids, but for now we are enjoying spending time as a family of three.
Me: I am training for a half marathon! It takes a lot of time and energy. Sometime I regret signing up but I know I will be happy when I finish. I think it would be fun to do some type of race after each child I have. So... 10 races! JOKING. We know we want more kids, but for now we are enjoying spending time as a family of three.
Happy Birthday,
V Girl!
We LOVE you!
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