Sunday, June 28, 2020

18 Months

Cosette is such a happy girl! She is smiling and laughing the majority of the time. We would have never guessed it, with Austin's darker features, but she's BLONDE with hazel eyes. She's in size 4 diapers and 18 month clothes. She's a total Mama's girl. She has slept through the night since about 13 months and never looked back (THANK GOODNESS... that first year was a doozy HA). She loves animals, especially dogs. She also loves to dance, especially to her favorite song, "Down" by Jay Sean (hahhahaha). She asks for it every single time we get in the car. Her language has exploded over the past month or so. This week she said, "Mama, where are you?" and it shocked me! She's learning new words and phrases all the time. She loves her big sister "Nana" or "Eeeena". She's a good listener. She cleans up toys whenever we ask. She still eats more than Vienna, but is becoming a little more picky. She especially enjoys going on walks and being outside. She tans better than all of us combined. My favorite part of the day is putting her to bed, when hugs me and lays her head on my chest and we sing a songs together. She is such a ray of sunshine in our lives. We love you so much, Cosie Girl!