Saturday, July 30, 2022

Primrose - 1 Month

 You are one month old! Of course we can hardly believe it. You have been the perfect addition to our family. V and Cos love you so much. It's always a battle over who gets to hold you. You are in newborn diapers and newborn/0-3 month clothes. Some newborn clothes are getting a little snug so you're transitioning into your 0-3 month clothes. It happens so fast! At your 2 week check you weighed 7 lb 9 oz, and had grown 2 INCHES (up to 21") since birth. You are sleeping so great at night. You are giving us a 5 hour stretch consistently, and sometimes longer. Austin has a long paternity leave and I am SO GRATEFUL for it. It's allowed me to heal properly and spend uninterrupted time with you when needed. 

 Shortly after you were born we found out you have a few holes in your tiny little heart :( We saw a cardiologist and he thinks they will close on their own. We are monitoring those for the next few months and hoping he's right. You also had a tongue tie (which was making nursing a living nightmare...) But we got it clipped and you eat like a champ now. It broke my heart to have them clip it but it turned out to be simple, and you barely even cried. 

You smiled at us for the first time this week. It was the best feeling... We just love you so much little Prim! 

Cosette wanted to join in on the fun!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Primrose Kat Cornilles - Birth Story & Newborn Photos

I woke up to my water breaking at 5:11am on Wednesday. I wasn't sure that my water had actually broken because it wasn't as distinct as when it broke with Cosette. I woke up Austin and told him we should probably call his parents to come be with the girls so we could go to the hospital. I was feeling hesitant to go in because I had been sitting at 3cm and 70% effaced for over a week. My dr said I would probably go pretty quick if my water broke first, yet I wasn't feeling ANY contractions. I took my time packing up a few last minute things to see if contractions would pick up. Austin's mom arrived soon after and we headed to the hospital. They checked me in and I was feeling more stupid than ever if my water hadn't broken. They did the test and HOORAY, it actually did break!

They hooked and baby girl up to the monitors to keep an eye on her heart rate and my contractions. After a few hours I still wasn't feel much, so they gave me pitocin to speed up the process. Yet another couple hours later I finally started to feel the contractions. At this point it was probably 11/11:30am. Contractions were coming hard and strong now so I asked for my epidural. I always get pretty nervous about the epidural. I hate the feeling but it's better than the pain haha. I was having intense contractions, but we got the epidural in and I was pain free within the next 20 minutes or so. I could feel my feet and most of my legs the whole time, which was nice. 

At about 2:45ish I was finally at a 10 and ready to push. My doctor came in and it was go time. I pushed for about 5-10 minutes and then she was HERE! I was overwhelmed with emotion and able to hold her right away - Primrose Kat Cornilles. Her middle name is after Austin's Grandma Kathy who passed away just hours before Primrose arrived. 

Always such a special experience. Pregnancy and childbirth is just a long, miraculous journey. We are so grateful she made it here safe and healthy. 

Welcome to the world, sweet Prim! We love you more than words can express.

Primose Kat Cornilles

7 lb 4.9 oz

19 inches