Wednesday, March 27, 2019

3 Months

Cosette: You are in size 1 diapers and 0-3 & 3 month clothes. You have outgrown almost all of your newborn stuff and I kind of hate it. You are growing up too quick! I do not hate it when you sleep 6+ hours at night though. You are consistently sleeping one 5-6 hour stretch, with some really great nights (8+) and some really terrible nights (2 or 3). You don't really take long naps during the day. Usually cat naps all morning and afternoon until you crash for an hour or two in the late afternoon. You still love to be held all the time, but facing the world is your preference now. You are smiling always for us. You especially love your sister, and watching her play is a fun pastime. You are trying to figure out how your hands work. You are nursing like a champ still. We almost never give you formula now, which is kind of nice on the budget. Your hair is lighter than Vienna's and I (not so) secretly hope it stays that way. You are so very sweet and we all adore you.

Me: Motherhood is hard. It's what I have been telling myself for the past little while. That thought is not serving me well. Maybe it really is hard, but I feel like I'm a worse mom, wife, and person when I think that thought. I can feel myself start to begrudgingly change diapers, wake up at 3am (again), make dinner, & play doctor for the 78th time that day. When in reality, what worth doing isn't "hard"? What worth doing doesn't cause a little exhaustion, take a little effort, and produce growth? This thing I'm doing (raising two little girls) is the best thing. Ultimately, I chose this. I wanted, no, WANT this life. I love my kids. Yes, sometimes our days are mundane. Sometimes I get frustrated. Sometimes I just want 5 minutes of peace unattached to a child. And there is nothing wrong with this. I'm convinced this path of motherhood takes balance, patience, and a lot of thought work. Honestly, I'd rather be at home with my kids everyday than away from them and working. Austin does that for our family and I am beyond grateful. So, when I'm feeling like motherhood is hard again, and I will, I'll come back to this post and remember it's all worth it. 

Happy 3 months (a day early), sweet girl. 

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Cosette's Blessing Day

It snowed on us so we couldn't take pictures outside, so this was the best we could do. Happy Blessing Day sweet Cosie. We all love you!!

Friday, March 1, 2019

2 Months

Cosie: You are weighing in at 10 lb 2 oz, and 22.1" tall. You are still in newborn diapers and size 0-3 month clothes. You are SMILING! It's so very cute. I wish I could have caught a picture of it here, but no luck. You are growing and changing constantly. You are nursing without the shield.  Hallelujah! You are awake and happy for longer periods of time during the day, and usually sleeping one five hour stretch at night! You still prefer to be held pretty much always. You like facing out to see the world. Vienna loves you and so do we.

Me: I went to the gym for the first time since you were born. It felt SO GOOD! But I went after I fed you at 6am so now I'm exhausted haha. Sleep has taken priority over the gym thus far, but I hope to keep going. If I can get a 5 hour stretch of sleep, I feel pretty functional the next day! I've kind of been taking a break from my calling at church, but my counselors and secretaries have done an amazing job at picking up the slack. Physically I'm feeling pretty good! The pelvic pain is completely gone (thank goodness...) BUT I am really hating how all my clothes are fitting. I know my body will never be the same as before kids, and I'm fine with that. I mean, I've grown and birthed two humans for goodness sake! I'd just like to lose a few more pounds and get back in shape. Overall, life is moving forward and we love being a family of FOUR!