Saturday, June 21, 2014


We have hit the one-month mark here in Ghana. I’ve learned and experienced so many things in this short time it makes it hard to put into words! 

Things I LOVE About Ghana:

1) The people. Nowhere else have I experienced a people with such compassion for each other. Value is not placed on material things, it is placed on people. I wish the rest of the world understood this.
2) Fruit. The mangoes and pineapples are DIVINE. You find them everywhere and they are less than $1. Bonus.
3) The rain. As a native Oregonian, I’ve always had a special place in my heart for moisture. Ghana has just reaffirmed that love.

Things I Don’t Love:

1) The filth. Sewage, garbage and dirt everywhere.
2) The heat/humidity. Air conditioning is a major luxury that I will never take for granted again. I don’t think I have ever been this hot in my life AND IT’S THE RAINY SEASON.
3) Bugs. And by bugs I mean mosquitoes because I’ve only seen a few spiders that haunt my dreams. Mosquitoes=Malaria. Malaria=not fun, I’ll spare you the details.  

Things I’ve Learned:

1) I’ve realized how incredibly fortunate I am. I grew up in a home with a loving family that provided me with everything I could ever want or need.  I have a kindhearted husband who treats me with love and respect. I had the opportunity to go to school and be educated. I’ve been blessed with a stable job. The list could go on and on. 
2) People matter. Things don’t. I think we all think we know this. It is just so easy to get caught up in the material things. Honestly, we blog about fashion. We go to trendy parlors for $5 cups of ice cream. We want the newest iPhone, car, that outfit we pinned on Pinterest, whatever it may be. Those things just don’t matter.

3) Heavenly Father loves us, He watches over us, and He cares about our lives. It’s easy to see His tender mercies in a place like Ghana.

Kaneshie Market

We walked through this

Tudu Market

Accra Temple

Elmina Slave Trade Castle
Kukum National Park
Cape Coast


  1. 1 month! Wow! I know you are feeling just way sick in that malaria picture, but I still laughed at you with all those waterbottles. I feel like I sleep like that here some nights. Love you so much!

  2. So glad you are still alive and gaining much gratitude for your life and all the gifts Heavenly Father has given you!! We love you so much!!

  3. Your trip looks amazing! And I'm glad you're ok after getting malaria! Yikes!!!
