Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Primrose - 4 Months

4 Months old. I think you are officially a baby and not a newborn anymore. Clearly I'm in denial. We all know this stage goes by way too fast. You had your 4 month check up this last week. You are in the 78% for height! Posting big numbers - whoop whoop! You are only in the 18% for weight, but you're growing great on your own curve. You have hit that 4 month sleep regression and you're waking up more than before. You are smiling all the time and we've even got a few laughs out of you. You are mostly nursing and starting to refuse a bottle (eeek). We're working on that because Cosette did the same thing and that was a looooooong 13 months haha. You found your feet this week and LOVE holding them. We all love you so much, sweet Prim!


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